The sports area of the Pasířská Primary School in Žižkov Hill in Jablonec nad Nisou now has a new multi-purpose sports field. On the old asphalt surface, which was not used, a new plastic surface NISAPLAST II. from Totex s.r.o. was laid.

The main goal was to encourage children to play sports outdoors, which required the revitalization of the already outdated and inadequate school playground. "Linking the school with a sports association for children and young people seemed like a very good and cost-effective idea to all parties involved. The new playground will be used by the Pasířská Primary School in the morning as part of its extended physical education lessons, and then primarily by the youth categories of the Jablonec Floral Club in the afternoon. The playground is multifunctional, it will be used not only for floorball, but also for mini handball, volleyball, dodgeball or tossball," said Jitka Št'ovíčková, the director of Pasířská Primary School.
Nisaplast II. i pro vaše sportoviště
Creating a sports playground at home is interesting not only because you have a sports surface available at any time and you don't have to be restricted by the rules of the sports ground. Such a home sports area is very important especially from the point of view of a parent who wants his children to play sports and have a positive attitude towards sports. An artificial surface for home sports offers a safe space where your children won't get hurt, plus its material is designed to ease movement. Just as you choose shoes for sports with cushioned soles, you should also choose the surface you play sports on.
It's not like you have a patch of backyard with concrete pavers where, in addition to busted knees, kids can hurt themselves with the shock they get back to their feet and entire body. The NISAPLAST artificial surface is amazing in that it safely absorbs any potential shocks, so movement on them can be almost unrestricted. Another interesting factor of NISAPLAST artificial surfaces are their colour variations, with which it is possible to create a sports surface imitating a hockey ice rink, a green grass area of a football pitch, a clay court for tennis, volleyball and netball.
By combining with other colours, the boundaries of the pitch can be imitated. And when you make such a sports area at home in the garden, you can cover up an ugly old pavement or a cracked concrete square. The NISAPLAST artificial surface is also wonderful for subsequent maintenance as it is virtually maintenance-free, which you will find out for yourself after a while. Creating a home sports field that you hardly have to worry about will be appreciated